Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Cigar time

Sometimes you just need to take an hour or so for yourself. As busy as I am it seems like I always forget to do so. Smoking a cigar seems to be a nice outlet for me time.

Cheers until next time!

Monday, November 26, 2012

The end is near!

This year has flown by so fast my head is spinning. It seems like last week it was June, where does the time go? Well the weight is the same and so not motivated to do any kind of exercise what so ever. Today I sat back evaluating what it is I do. Between working 6 days a week being a husband and father I have a hard time finding time. Weather or not i find the time we will see. Today I say happy birthday to me?

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Wow how time has pasted this year, seems like I was just thinking about holiday traffic and how much it sucks. I have seen people come and go over this pass year, some who have died and some who have just moved on. Sometime the stresses of life seem to me make time go by faster because your train of thought is so focused on that one thing all of a sudden 4 weeks has gone by.

  This time of year is tuff on myself and friends to to SEMA, not the show itself but the weeks leading to the show and the stresses that come with it. Some welcome the SEMA crunch but most say FUCK you SEMA crunch!. Either way we still have to get things done because of the business we choose to be in. In a way Sema can bring out the best in what we do because of the pressure we are under. Well enough about this as the two trucks we did are now gone on there 24 hour drive to Las Vegas.

  Until next time,

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Next generation

I just downloaded google magazine for my phone. I saw i could get mini Truckin Magazine for 1.25 per month so I did it. Such an easy way to be able to have your reading material on the go. All I say is embrace change it's the biggest threat to people who don't want to move forward.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Words to live by

“The only way to have a friend is to be one.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

People are very quick to forget this!

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Fun is what you make of your life! We all have people we love and people we want to be around that is why we are lucky.  We are NEVER CHOSEN we are always adopted in and out of a circle. Bits and pieces of our lives are always left with most people we meet because sometimes people just don't give a shit.

Well i do and I love my wife and my friends because well they love me!
Boom and TASTE IT!™

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Out with the old

Does anyone else out there get the feeling of the movie ground hog day? Just to be in a trance where you wake up, shower leave the house for work come home eat dinner go to bed. Sometimes sleep for 5 hours sometimes 9 hours but always waking up feeling the same. Maybe we are in a matrix style of life where there is always someone bigger and more powerful pulling the strings? Are we as a society really the sheep for the most part? Conformed to what the string puller wants us to be right under the thumb! I for one need to get out of this so called thumb and live, how hard is it to try 2 or 3 new things a week? From taking a different route home to to sitting in a different chair to slapping your girls left ass cheek instead of the right. Maybe it is just saying hi to the stranger in the door way at the grocery store.

What are we so afraid of? Is it change? Embrace change, without change you absolutly can not move forward.

  I don't have all the answers but I am tired of the old ones!